1. Welcome
This is the first issue of our newsletter in 2022, and we hope that you had a good start to the new year. Although we are getting closer to the end of EXCELLERAT's runtime, there is still lots of efforts ahead to ensure the successful conclusion of our project's work packages. For now, we look forward to publishing further success stories about our technical achievements, organising an EXCELLERAT conference (more details coming soon!), and finishing our work, as well as finalising the plans for the project's sustainability and working on a new phase of EXCELLERAT, pushing our key applications to maximum Exascale performance.
This issue of our newsletter includes a new success story on uncertainty quantification and in-situ analysis, and another one on how to accelerate our core code Alya for next-generation exascale machines. Additionally, you can learn more about the insights gained from the Fortran webinar in 2021, upcoming events, and further news.
I hope you enjoy reading our newsletter!
EXCELLERAT Project Coordinator
2 a) Success story: A novel framework for online estimation of the uncertainties in turbulent flow statistics
Computing turbulence statistics play a vital role in understanding the relevant physics and the formal characterisation of turbulent flows. In practice, statistical terms are computed combining different sample-mean estimators that are, however, uncertain due to the finite number of time samples taken from the CFD simulations. One of the main challenges for quantifying the uncertainty in sample-mean estimators is to accurately account for the fact that the time samples for a turbulent flow quantity at any spatial point are autocorrelated up to a generally unknown number of lags. Another main challenge is that it is not computationally efficient to store the time series data of turbulent flows for the UQ analyses to be done as a post-processing step, especially for the large-scale simulations. Learn how our partners Fraunhofer SCAI and KTH developed solutions for these challenges in a new success story.
2 b) Success story: Accelerating Alya engineering simulations by using FPGAs
Alya is a simulation code that enables engineers to study highly complex systems including internal combustion engine and aircraft aerodynamics. Such complex simulations require many hours to run on latest generation supercomputers and EXCELLERAT has been exploring ways in which the code can be accelerated for next-generation exascale machines. One important question is what role novel hardware can play in enhancing such important applications, potentially helping to address areas of the code that are not fully suited to traditional CPU architectures. In this work we focused on Alya’s incompressible flow matrix assembly kernel, which not only accounts for a large percentage of the runtime for the Alya benchmarks, but furthermore profiling on the CPU exposed that some of the execution time is spent stalled due to memory and micro-architecture issues; hence the hypothesis being that by moving to a different architecture then these issues could be ameliorated. Read more in a new success story by our partner EPCC.
3. Further news & events
Insights from EXCELLERAT Fortran webinar
EXCELLERAT held a webinar with Wadud Miah on the topic “Fortran for High Performance Computing” in 2021. A blog article has been released to further share the answers to the questions discussed during the webinar with the HPC ecosystem.
Training course: Scientific Visualization with COVISE and Vistle
This two-day workshop gives a short overview of scientific visualization in general, followed by a hands-on introduction to 3D desktop visualization with VISTLE and COVISE. Participants will further learn how to build interactive 3D models for virtual environments, and how to set up an augmented reality visualization. Register now
E-flyers on EXCELLERAT services available
If you want to learn more about what EXCELLERAT offers for the aerospace sector, or what solutions we have for simulation, data analytics and management, co-design, and visualization, please check out our dedicated e-flyers, available for download on our website.
To find out more about EXCELLERAT and the other European Centres of Excellence for HPC applications, read the latest issue of Focus CoE's newsletter. For regular updates, you can subscribe to the mailing list.
Are you looking for further opportunities to see EXCELLERAT in action or to meet our colleagues? Explore our event calendar to see which trade fairs, (research) conferences, and other events we will attend.