2. Podcast: The European Processor Initiative
3. Blog article: EXCELLERAT P2 All Hands Meeting 2024
1. Welcome
We've just completed our first project review meeting for our second funding phase at the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking in Luxembourg, following our onsite all-hands meeting in Barcelona. Our new EXCELLERAT P2 service portal has also been launched, marking a significant milestone. Make sure to explore our updated Service Portal tailored to various engineering sectors, offering a range of services for innovation and collaboration.
Now we are getting ready for several events in Spring and Summer, including the EuroHPC Summit 2024 in Antwerp and a training course on Machine Learning to Deep Learning at HLRS in Stuttgart. You may also save the dates for the 4th Baltic HPC and Cloud Conference in Riga and the Austrian-Slovenian HPC Meeting in Grundlsee, where we'll showcase our latest advancements.
Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to drive innovation in high-performance computing.
EXCELLERAT P2 Project Coordinator
2. Podcast: The European Processor Initiative
In the eighth episode of our HPC podcast, the spotlight is on Craig Prunty, VP of Marketing for our project partner organisation SiPearl. Craig talks about the European Processor Initiative, the impact developing low-power European processors has on extreme scale computing and high-performance applications, and how this is related to EXCELLERAT P2. Listen to the podcast episode now on Spotify.
3. Blog article: EXCELLERAT P2 All Hands Meeting 2024
The latest All Hands Meeting of EXCELLERAT P2 took place in Barcelona on January 30-31, 2024. This event marked a pivotal moment for the project, bringing together 31 experts from various disciplines to share insights, achievements, and strategies. Learn more in our latest blog article.
4. Further news & events
New EXCELLERAT Service Portal launched!
Our Service Portal was recently relaunched! Find the most appropriate services for engineers and industrial end-users, developers, technology providers, academics and researchers who are working in engineering sectors, like manufacturing, automotive, energy, aerospace and climate. Visit the Service Portal and learn more in a YouTube video.
The EuroHPC Summit 2024 will bring together relevant European supercomputing stakeholders, public and private, as well as decision makers, allowing them to share the latest technological developments, define synergies, express their current and future needs, and participate in shaping the future of European supercomputing. EXCELLERAT P2 will contribute to the project poster session.
Training Course: From Machine Learning to Deep Learning - A concise introduction
This HLRS course offers an introduction to Machine and Deep Learning for students, data scientists, and researchers seeking practical solutions to future challenges. Covering basic Machine Learning methods with Apache Spark, it progresses to supervised Deep Learning using real data for image classification. The course also explores effective data processing through an introduction to data compression using the BigWhoop library. Hands-on sessions on HLRS clusters and Jupyter Notebooks enhance learning, with a guest lecture on applying Deep Learning to computational fluid dynamics. Please note that this is not a theoretical AI lecture series but focuses on practical applications.
4th Baltic HPC and Cloud Conference
The conference will feature a lot of new topics, including talks on innovative uses of HPC and Cloud computing and presentations about HPC/Cloud computing services ranging from EuroHPC supercomputers to Quantum Computing. The conference will be especially relevant for different research communities that use HPC, including students, HPC experts, and industry. EXCELLERAT P2 will be presented in the CoE pitch session.
Austrian-Slovenian HPC Meeting
The ASHPC24 focuses on various aspects of HPC and provides a great opportunity to discuss HPC-related topics and present your latest results. It will also provide an overview and update on the rapidly improving HPC landscape available to European researchers. EXCELLERAT P2 will be represented with a presentation and a poster.
We have launched a YouTube channel – subscribe for multimedia updates.
Self-paced course: Approaches to analysing time-series data
Tourist destination managers, service providers, and researchers want to better understand traffic flows: what impact traffic flows have, when do traffic peaks occur, what are the seasonal effects, which areas are more / less congested with tourists, how do weather, holidays and other events affect this behaviour. With the help of data analysis and forecasts, they can prepare for periods of increased visitors, as well as adjust marketing activities, service offerings, or resource allocations. In this tutorial we look at a real-world dataset consisting of traffic counters on Slovenian roads, provided by the Slovenian Road Network (DARS), and its application to the questions above. Get access to the tutorial through our Service Portal.
Funded by the European Union. This work has received funding from the European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (JU) and Germany, Italy, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and France under grant agreement No 101092621.
Höchstleistungsrechenzentrum Stuttgart (HLRS) | Nobelstraße 19
70569 Stuttgart | Germany