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1. Welcome
2. Screening the coding style of large Fortran HPC codes
3. EXCELLERAT’s first joint technical workshop with ChEESE and HiDALGO Centres of Excellence
4. Events
5. News

1. Welcome

We are already two months into 2021 and the challenges caused by the coronavirus pandemic continue to shape our work. The third and final year of the EXCELLERAT project was kicked off with two technical workshops in January. We now look forward to continuing the good progress until the end of the project and beyond. Our goal for the remaining months of the programme is to continue to move forward with its successes and promote its achievements.

This newsletter includes a blog post about our standardisation work, as well as an article about the first joint technical workshop, which was organised with the ChEESE and HiDALGO Centres of Excellence. You can also learn more about our planned presence at upcoming events and other news about EXCELLERAT.

I hope you enjoy reading our newsletter!

Bastian Koller
EXCELLERAT Project Coordinator

2. Screening the coding style of large Fortran HPC codes

How to scan large Fortran legacy codes that are widely used for engineering applications, like in EXCELLERAT? Find out in this blog article by our partner CERFACS about Flinter, a tool developed within EXCELLERAT for monitoring and maintaining our core codes on the way to Exascale level.

3. EXCELLERAT’s first joint technical workshop with ChEESE and HiDALGO Centres of Excellence

In collaboration with ChEESE and HiDALGO, EXCELLERAT has completed its first joint technical workshop. The event included a session on each of these topics: Load Balancing, In situ & remote visualisation, Co-design, and GPU Porting. Partners and guests from BSC, CINECA, HLRS, EPCC, CERFACS, KTH, ICCS, ATOS, PLUS, TUM, and UMA presented and discussed their results and ongoing works.

There were 21 participants at the Load Balancing session, 16 participants for In situ & remote visualisation, 23 participants for Co-design, and 20 for GPU Porting. This allowed participants to interact as much as needed with the speakers. The presentations are available online and more details can be found in the full blog article.

4. Events

EuroHPC Summit (22–26 March 2021)
The EuroHPC Summit Week (EHPCSW) 2021 will gather the main European HPC stakeholders, from technology suppliers and HPC infrastructures to scientific and industrial HPC users in Europe. EXCELLERAT will be represented at the "FocusCoE Sessions: CoEs on the road to Exascale" on March 23, starting at 01:30 pm CET. Register now

Workshop: Data analytics for engineering data using machine learning (19 March 2021)
Our partner Fraunhofer SCAI will present this workshop. Part one will provide introductory training on machine learning topics like clustering and dimension reduction techniques. Brief hands-on exercises in Python will aid the understanding of the material. Part two will deal with applying machine learning methods to numerical simulation data stemming from engineering tasks. This first instance of this workshop will be open for all partners and corresponding institutes of EXCELLERAT. Register now

Funding opportunities
Many public calls for high-performance computing resources opened at the start of the year. Find a list of relevant opportunities on our Service Portal and take the chance to apply for HPC projects.

Are you looking for further opportunities to see EXCELLERAT in action or to meet our colleagues? Explore our event calendar to see which trade fairs, (research) conferences, and other events we will attend.

5. News

HiPEAC participation
Together with several other Centres of Excellence, EXCELLERAT joined this year's HiPEAC (High-Performance Embedded Architecture and Compilation) Conference. The workshop "The HPC CoE services and applications", organised by Focus CoE, took place on January 20, 2021. EPCC's Nick Brown represented EXCELLERAT with a talk about "FPGAs and scientific computing: A match made in heaven?". In addition, EPCC's Gavin Pringle took part in the joint panel discussion on Co-Design at the end of the workshop.

Smart platform for predicting COVID-19 healthcare system demands
As reported in the previous issue, a group of researchers from EXCELLERAT’s consortium partner SSC-Services GmbH and the High-Performance Computing Center Stuttgart have developed a smart data transfer platform for predicting the demand for intensive care units during the COVID-19 pandemic. This achievement has been picked up and released in six languages by the Community Research and Development Information Service (CORDIS) of the European Commission. Read the article online.

GPU Hackathons in Europe 2021
Many of the recently and future installed supercomputers will be GPU-accelerated. Throughout this year, multiple GPU Hackathons will take place in Europe, some of them organised by our partners (EPCC, CINECA) or members of other European Centres of Excellence for High-Performance Computing. Learn more about the dates and requirements in a Focus CoE news article.

Focus CoE newsletter
To find out more about EXCELLERAT and the other European Centres of Excellence for HPC applications, read the latest issue of Focus CoE's newsletter. For regular updates, you can subscribe to the mailing list.
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The EXCELLERAT project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 823691.

Höchstleistungsrechenzentrum Stuttgart (HLRS) | Nobelstraße 19
70569 Stuttgart | Germany