1. Welcome
EXCELLERAT is approaching the last semester of its first project phase. We are currently preparing for EXCELLERAT's participation in the European Commission's Fitness Check for all European Centres of Excellence in HPC, where we will present our impressive achievements and future plans.
This issue of the newsletter includes our first white paper about monitoring high-performance computing at scale, showing how large-scale engineering simulations can be made more efficient, as well as an article about a workshop by our partner Fraunhofer SCAI on using machine learning to analyse engineering data, and a blog article about the use of in-situ analysis tools by EXCELLERAT. You can also learn more about our upcoming events, such as a webinar about Fortran for HPC, and other news about the project, like the EXCELLERAT innovations featured by the EU Innovation Radar.
I hope you enjoy reading our newsletter!
EXCELLERAT Project Coordinator
2. First EXCELLERAT white paper: Monitoring High-Performance Computing At Scale
Only a tiny fraction of high-performance simulations is useful. Most will fail, or be wrong, or simply be forgotten. How can the process be made more efficient? What makes mass-production high-performance computing (HPC) simulations different and how can massive numbers of engineering simulations be managed? Find answers to these questions, along with a worked example and practicle guidelines, in our first white paper, written by Antoine Dauptain and Elsa Gullaud from CERFACS.
3. EXCELLERAT training workshop: Using Machine Learning To Analyse Engineering Data
EXCELLERAT’s workshop on 19 March dealt with data analysis for engineering data, particularly simulation data. Partners from Fraunhofer SCAI conducted this one-day online training course with sessions dedicated to the topics of Clustering, Dimensionality Reduction, Pre-processing of Simulation Data, and two hands-on tutorials with exemplary use-cases from car crash analysis and aeroacoustics.
The eight workshop participants were partners and guests from HLRS, KTH, SSC-Services, and University of Trier, who actively contributed to the workshop by eagerly asking questions, initiating important discussions, and experimenting with the introduced data analysis tools in the hands-on sessions. The material is available online and more details can be found in the full blog article.
4. The use of in-situ analysis tools by EXCELLERAT
In a recent blog article, Miguel Zavala from KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, explained the in-situ analysis and visualisation tool Paraview, and how EXCELLERAT applies the tool and its different versions, like Catalyst and Decaf, with our core codes.
5. Events & further news
Webinar: Fortran For HPC (4 May 2021, 02:00-03:00 PM CET)
Despite its age, Fortran remains the dominant programming language for high-performance computing. The upcoming EXCELLERAT webinar with Wadud Miah from Southampton University will discuss language constructs that are pertinent to HPC such as coarrays, do concurrent, and improved interoperability with C in the 2018 standard. This webinar will also discuss GPU programming in CUDA and OpenACC as well as the MPI 2018 bindings that use derived data types. Register now
Several of EXCELLERAT's achievements were selected as Excellent Science Innovations by the EU Innovation Radar. Find out more about our key innovations, like the EXCELLERAT Data Exchange and Workflow Portal, AMR capability in our core code Alya, and Interactive in situ visualisation in Virtual Reality – take a look at the document for details and get an overview of all EXCELLERAT innovations on the InnoRadar page.
GPU Hackathons in Europe 2021
Many of the recently installed and future supercomputers will be GPU-accelerated. Throughout this year, multiple GPU Hackathons will take place in Europe, some of them organised by our partners (EPCC, CINECA) or members of other European Centres of Excellence for high-performance computing. Learn more about the dates and requirements in this Focus CoE news article.
Online training: Numerical Methods For Large Eddy Simulation (12-16 April 2021)
Last week was dedicated to numerical methods for Large Eddy Simulation (LES). Our partner CERFACS organised an online training, which dealt with numerical methods, boundary conditions, LES approach and closure models for LES, combustion as well as two-phase flows. More information.
To find out more about EXCELLERAT and the other European Centres of Excellence for HPC applications, read the latest issue of Focus CoE's newsletter. For regular updates, you can subscribe to the mailing list.
Many public calls for high-performance computing resources opened at the start of the year. Find a list of relevant opportunities on our Service Portal and take the chance to apply for HPC projects.
Are you looking for further opportunities to see EXCELLERAT in action or to meet our colleagues? Explore our event calendar to see which trade fairs, (research) conferences, and other events we will attend.